Home 9 Computer Recycling 9 Colocation Companies in Minnesota Refer Their Customers to OceanTech
Colocation Companies in Minnesota Refer Their Customers to OceanTechOceanTech is a Minneapolis-based electronics recycling company that is one of the fastest-growing companies of its kind in North America. The reasons are simple:Our goal is to assist companies in ridding themselves of unused or no longer needed data center hardware and electronics equipment. We are currently servicing over 1,500 companies throughout the United States, many of them Fortune 500’s and colocation organizations. We are known throughout the industry for paying 2-3 times more for your customer’s data center hardware (servers, network gear, etc.).How we work: we provide you with a bid upfront for any assets you or your customers wish to dispose of. Whether that means a dozen machines or a thousand, we can handle the job.Colocation companies in Minnesota find that partnering with us gives them a value-added offer for their potential customers who don’t want to simply decommission equipment and pile it in a closet. We handle secure data destruction and the resale of expensive equipment that has real value in the marketplace.If you are working with customers who are on the fence about shuttering their onsite data center in favor of a colocation facility, consider bringing us in to provide them with an offer for their retired equipment. That removes one of the objections that companies often have – too much investment in hardware that is not yet ready for the scrap heap.Our sales channels and experience selling tens of thousands of servers and IT equipment are other reasons why more Fortune 500 companies choose OceanTech as their electronics recycler every day. For more information, contact us at 612 331 4456.
Effective ITAD strategies for Data Centers

Effective ITAD strategies for Data Centers

In the ever-evolving landscape of data management, businesses frequently encounter the need to retire their data center hardware. Such scenarios often arise when companies decide to shut down all or part of a data center operation. The process of decommissioning a data center is riddled with logistical intricacies, and among these, planning for the disposition of retired assets stands out as a crucial aspect. The dismantling of data center equipment without a well-thought-out strategy for reuse, remarketing, or secure disposal can lead to a host of problems.

Enhance Risk Management with ITAD

Enhance Risk Management with ITAD

Organizations are rapidly transitioning their communication systems, data storage infrastructure, and administrative functions to the digital realm, all in pursuit of maintaining a competitive edge. However, this shift toward a technologically advanced world exposes companies to higher risks of cybersecurity threats and data breaches. In essence, your business’s sensitive data is vulnerable at any given moment. Therefore, a well-rounded risk management strategy must include a robust ITAD plan to mitigate your company’s overall risk.

Enhancing Data Center Sustainability Through ITAD

Enhancing Data Center Sustainability Through ITAD

In the rapidly evolving landscape of data center operations, sustainability has emerged as a paramount concern. One of the linchpins of this sustainability drive within data centers is the practice of IT Asset Disposition (ITAD), a multifaceted process that plays a pivotal role in ensuring both ecological responsibility and data security.

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