Home 9 Data Destruction 9 How to Get the Best Value for your Decommissioned SAN Equipment
Are you planning to decommission your storage area network (SAN equipment)? If you are, then there is a high probability that the question on your mind is how to get the best value for the decommissioned equipment and data security. There is a healthy market for such SAN equipment, but it’s mostly a “buyers’ market” out there and you will find it hard to get good value if you do not have a queue of buyers waiting outside your door. 

Before you put your SAN equipment on the market, you should have it professionally de-installed, assessed and valued.

Before going into the details, here is a primer on why anybody would want to buy your decommissioned SAN equipment. Organizations choose to deploy SAN equipment because it offers more flexibility, better performance and higher availability than direct-attached storage. Since it takes away storage from the servers to a central location, where they can be accessed by any application, it can dramatically improve storage utilization. This allows the organizations to save money on storage hardware.There is a catch, however. SAN doesn’t come cheap, a fact that you have probably learned firsthand. The price of top quality SAN equipment, such as Dell EqualLogic PS6500xv, HP StorageWorks P2000, IBM 1726-HC3 DS3300 and Netapp FAS2040A can easily rival the price of new midsize SUVs. Pretty expensive, isn’t it? This is why many companies want to buy decommissioned/refurbished SAN equipment.Still, getting the right value for your decommissioned equipment will not be easy. This is where you will find OceanTech incomparable. We are able to return 2 – 3 times more for your retired data center and SAN hardware than any other buyers you can think of. How are we able to do that?Almost all of our competitors only use eBay and similar sales channels to recover value from equipment. Our sister company (OT Hardware), on the other hand, maintains hundreds of end-user customers that purchase certified refurbished hardware from them. For example, after your equipment receives certified data destruction and passes through our extensive testing process, it will most likely be sold to school districts or medium-sized companies nationwide. End users typically pay much more for warranted equipment, which allows us to pay you 2-3 times more than our competitors.OceanTech is a Minneapolis, MN based R2-certified company that has over 1,600 corporate clients across the United States. We provide data destruction services on all equipment and de-installation of data centers in every city, including Chicago, Minneapolis, Los Angeles, New York City, and San Francisco. In every location, we have a team of highly trained and experienced professionals with all the necessary software and hardware tools.Our nationwide services include certified data destruction, asset value recovery, de-installation, tracking and reporting, logistics, and R2 recycling. OceanTech holds several internationally recognized environmental and recycling certifications. If you need data destruction services or SAN de-installation and asset recovery services anywhere in the United States, call us or write to us today. Our phone number is 612-331-4456 and e-mail address is info@oceantechonline.com. We will be more than happy to be of service to you.
Effective ITAD strategies for Data Centers

Effective ITAD strategies for Data Centers

In the ever-evolving landscape of data management, businesses frequently encounter the need to retire their data center hardware. Such scenarios often arise when companies decide to shut down all or part of a data center operation. The process of decommissioning a data center is riddled with logistical intricacies, and among these, planning for the disposition of retired assets stands out as a crucial aspect. The dismantling of data center equipment without a well-thought-out strategy for reuse, remarketing, or secure disposal can lead to a host of problems.

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