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Are you shopping for electronics recyclers? Here are the questions to ask:
  • Is the company certified in environmental compliance such as R2?
  • Does the company practice secure transport of equipment containing sensitive materials and promise white glove service?
  • What type of service area range do they offer?
  • What is security like at the recycling facility?
  • Most importantly, what type of data destruction does the company utilize?
Prospective clients can research these questions on the company’s website. Some companies offer free quotes while others estimate the the return on value. In addition, calling a recycling vendor allows clients to speak with staff and get a feel for the company.But the information a company provides about themselves is not the whole picture. Standard methods and basic certifications are no guarantee of service.

Quality service separates competitors

Because recycling electronics is a critical part of owning them, it’s important to make sure your vendor provides the highest quality service. Simply dropping off materials at a back door doesn’t guarantee proper handling and ethical environmental practices.Similarly, blindly picking the option with the lowest rates is a huge risk. Sloppy data handling is a nightmare for any IT-reliant organization and inefficient refurbishing leads to lost value on recovered assets. Ultimately, it’s added time, money, and stress.Customers can explore customer feedback online and see the company’s reputation among previous clients.

Gleaning a company’s reputation through online reviews

Customer testimonials are essential once the options are narrowed down. Such testimonials provide an in-depth feel for whether the promised service is upheld.Therefore a recycler that has a standout number of negative reviews is cause for concern. It means the recycler does not meet the minimum standards that clients should seek or provide the superior service they deserve.

Reputation aids in recovering value

Many recyclers resell equipment once it has been refurbished. Consumers want to know the equipment is going to be in the condition it was listed as and that it will arrive safely and securely with good communication from the vendor. Feedback and reviews help consumers determine the quality of an electronics reseller.Most importantly for clients, confident consumers become loyal customers in the resale market. As a result, reputable recyclers improve the return on recoverable assets.

Ocean Tech: a highly rated industry leader

For businesses looking to recycle electronic equipment and consumers hoping to purchase affordable, high-quality electronics like servers, laptops, and hard drives, OceanTech is one of the most reliable electronics recycling and resale options in the Twin Cities and beyond.With a global service range for ITAD and recycling services, plus a top-rated store for high quality electronics for resale, the multitude of five-star customer reviews paint a portrait of OceanTech’s standards for service, customer care, and quality products. For example, a quick web search for the company name reveals well over 100 glowing reviews and recommendations of OceanTech as a vendor for recycling electronics or for purchasing high end pre-owned electronic equipment.That many pleased customers speaks to the quality of service OceanTech has to offer. Experience our five-star service yourself by asking for a quote or any other information we can provide to assist in your ITAD challenge.
Effective ITAD strategies for Data Centers

Effective ITAD strategies for Data Centers

In the ever-evolving landscape of data management, businesses frequently encounter the need to retire their data center hardware. Such scenarios often arise when companies decide to shut down all or part of a data center operation. The process of decommissioning a data center is riddled with logistical intricacies, and among these, planning for the disposition of retired assets stands out as a crucial aspect. The dismantling of data center equipment without a well-thought-out strategy for reuse, remarketing, or secure disposal can lead to a host of problems.

Enhance Risk Management with ITAD

Enhance Risk Management with ITAD

Organizations are rapidly transitioning their communication systems, data storage infrastructure, and administrative functions to the digital realm, all in pursuit of maintaining a competitive edge. However, this shift toward a technologically advanced world exposes companies to higher risks of cybersecurity threats and data breaches. In essence, your business’s sensitive data is vulnerable at any given moment. Therefore, a well-rounded risk management strategy must include a robust ITAD plan to mitigate your company’s overall risk.

Enhancing Data Center Sustainability Through ITAD

Enhancing Data Center Sustainability Through ITAD

In the rapidly evolving landscape of data center operations, sustainability has emerged as a paramount concern. One of the linchpins of this sustainability drive within data centers is the practice of IT Asset Disposition (ITAD), a multifaceted process that plays a pivotal role in ensuring both ecological responsibility and data security.

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