Home 9 Blog 9 The Hybrid Laptop Offers Dual-Purpose Functionality and Space Consolidation
Laptops are rapidly evolving devices. They have come a long way since their introduction in the early 1980s. The concept of a portable computer was well-intentioned, but lugging around a 20+ pound machine wasn’t going to be a lasting business model. Engineers and developers spent the next decade refining the laptop as an alternative to a desktop computer. Popular brands like HP, Dell, Apple, and Lenovo are in competition to release the lightest available laptops on the market. With bulk and weight finally out of the way, there are endless opportunities for innovation to the laptop computer. One of the most well-received improvements is the advent of the hybrid laptop.

Laptop evolution

The inherent purpose of a laptop is portability. Hybrid laptops are an effort on the laptop manufacturing sector’s part to avoid obsolescence in an age where the tablet is common. Tablets are small, efficient, lightweight, and even more portable than a laptop. However, they lack the horsepower with which a standard computer is built.Enter the hybrid laptop. The screen can transition between the normal interface of a keyboard and mouse, or touch screen technology like the smartphones and tablets so pervasive in the consumer market. Without the need for extra tools or space, a computer’s functionality can improve and users can interact with the technology in fresh ways.

Hybrid laptops are adaptable space savers

Many professions benefit from the adaptability of a hybrid laptop, particularly creative professions or people who work in the field. The touch screen interface enables extra levels of interaction with content, easier navigation on the go, and reduces erroneous mouse dragging and clicking. Switching between multiple screens and tabs speeds up, and commands execute more quickly and efficiently.

Saving money on technology investments with a hybrid laptop

People also benefit from money saved on owning both a tablet and a laptop when one hybrid laptop functions as both. Tablet enthusiasts can appreciate an increase in performance and memory that hybrid laptops offer. Laptop users can switch between the standard clamshell and space-consolidating hybrid flipback depending on needs. Airplane users will especially appreciate the chance to take care of personal business in-flight on a tablet-sized computer.

Making the trade

Trading in laptops and tablets for hybrids presents an excellent opportunity for cost savings. The investment can be made even more fruitful by acting before decommissioned personal laptops or tablets are obsolete or become an outdated model. The return on investment will increase with the product’s remarketability. This provides more capital to spend on hybrids. Contacting a certified electronics recycler to help make the switch is a responsible, cost-effective way to consolidate gadgets.
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