Home 9 Uncategorized 9 It Takes a Big Machine to Handle Fibre Channel Hard Drive Destruction
With the proliferation of data has come a growing concern: destroying the data. At some point, it’s time to get rid of retired storage devices or erase tapes, and that process is not something even small businesses should take responsibility for doing in-house. .
Electronic recycling companies like OceanTech, headquartered in Minneapolis, get regular requests for Fiber Channel Hard Drive Destruction, typically at the same time a company is inquiring about disposing of retired laptops, P.C.s, servers or other data center equipment.
With today’s technology, fiber channel hard drives can be erased as part of the asset disposition process. OceanTech operates a secure facility with both destruction and erasure documentation.
Where OceanTech exceeds other vendors is in its ability to pay more for used hardware that can be cleaned, recycled, repaired, and resold. Clients almost always receive bids from multiple service providers as part of the procurement process, and OceanTech consistently returns more value to the client.
Fibre channel hard drives destruction and all data destruction services are growing in demand as old storage solutions are retired, data is migrated, and organizations upgrade or simply clean house.
“Our business has grown exponentially in large part because of our full-service approach to electronic recycling and data destruction services,” says Alex Sumetsky.
“It is not uncommon for an IT manager to call us to inquire about shredding some digital tapes, and we’ll end up moving a dozen pallets of retired electronics and outdated computers out of their storage areas, and paying them for it,” Satter says.
The complete services of OceanTech are found on the OceanTechOnline website at http://www.oceantechonline.com. Or call 612-331 4456.
Effective ITAD strategies for Data Centers

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