Home 9 Blog 9 Recovering Value from Used Electronics
Businesses of all sizes are looking for ways to recover value from their business investments. For some companies, generating a little extra cash can be as easy as opening up the storage closet and disposing of unused electronics and office equipment.The founders of Minneapolis-based OceanTech have built a business on the concept of helping companies recover value in the equipment they no longer use. As a leading electronics recycling company, OceanTech works with businesses both large and small by offering buy-outs on equipment ranging from telephone systems to high-end servers.A strong downstream buyer’s network makes it possible for OceanTech to provide sellers with more for their unused equipment than other recycling companies. Through the years, OceanTech has amassed an impressive nationwide client list of not only sellers but buyers.It’s true that one man’s trash is another’s treasure, and when it comes to electronics, that adage certainly applies.OceanTech buys a long list of equipment, including computers, servers, LCD monitors and televisions, cameras, audio-video equipment, printers, plotters, copiers and more.Our goal with most of our buy-outs is to refurbish and resell the equipment. Since we are not stripping it for metals and throwing it away, we can pass along some of the value we will recover to the companies disposing of the equipment. Instead of paying someone to haul your old equipment away, you receive payment for having someone haul your old equipment away.Sensitive data is also managed and the problem of security is resolved because OceanTech is set up to manage all regulatory and compliance needs with regard to data destruction. Our multiple certifications ensure that our processes are secure. OceanTech proudly meets the highest standards in the electronics recycling industry.Recovering value from unused electronics can help fund new projects, free up storage space, and eliminate concerns over data security. To get started on your own value recovery project, contact the experts at OceanTech at 612-331-4456, or click on “Request Quote”.
Effective ITAD strategies for Data Centers

Effective ITAD strategies for Data Centers

In the ever-evolving landscape of data management, businesses frequently encounter the need to retire their data center hardware. Such scenarios often arise when companies decide to shut down all or part of a data center operation. The process of decommissioning a data center is riddled with logistical intricacies, and among these, planning for the disposition of retired assets stands out as a crucial aspect. The dismantling of data center equipment without a well-thought-out strategy for reuse, remarketing, or secure disposal can lead to a host of problems.

Enhance Risk Management with ITAD

Enhance Risk Management with ITAD

Organizations are rapidly transitioning their communication systems, data storage infrastructure, and administrative functions to the digital realm, all in pursuit of maintaining a competitive edge. However, this shift toward a technologically advanced world exposes companies to higher risks of cybersecurity threats and data breaches. In essence, your business’s sensitive data is vulnerable at any given moment. Therefore, a well-rounded risk management strategy must include a robust ITAD plan to mitigate your company’s overall risk.

Enhancing Data Center Sustainability Through ITAD

Enhancing Data Center Sustainability Through ITAD

In the rapidly evolving landscape of data center operations, sustainability has emerged as a paramount concern. One of the linchpins of this sustainability drive within data centers is the practice of IT Asset Disposition (ITAD), a multifaceted process that plays a pivotal role in ensuring both ecological responsibility and data security.

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