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Safely Recycling Cisco IP Phones

Cisco IP phones are great communication tools that are efficient, feature rich, and effective for a variety of businesses. They also have the ability to save you money by letting your employees make and receive calls using the internet. However over time, this equipment will degrade, which can lead to poor sound quality and a host of malfunctions, which can in turn damage the image of your company. That’s why you periodically need to upgrade to new Cisco brand IP phones in order to maintain the prestige and functionality of your organization.

The process of upgrading will require you to remove decommissioned IP phones from the premises. Unfortunately this can be a somewhat complicated task, that can leave you open to a variety of security vulnerabilities. It can also have a negative impact on the surrounding environment if not done properly. This is particularly true of locations near oceans and large bodies of water such as New York, Los Angeles, and Miami.

This is where OceanTech comes in. They are a quality IP phone recycling company, that can handle all of your equipment disposal needs. They take outdated Cisco equipment and recycle it using extremely efficient methods that are clean, safe, and earth friendly. They also protect your data, and they pay you for the materials they are able to extract. That makes them an ecologically and economically viable choice for any business.

The environmental impact of decommissioned equipment disposal can be quite drastic, and the issue is getting worse every year as new Cisco IP phones are cycled in and outdated ones are removed. These devices often contain plastics and other materials that will not biodegrade, which means if they are simply thrown away they can end up permanently taking up space in a landfill. In some cases they may also contain chemicals which can infect the ground and poison the earth.

When you allow OceanTech to handle your Cisco IP phone disposal needs, you don’t have to worry about any of that. They ensure that the devices are broken down into their component pieces in a manner that does not allow any chemicals or toxins to spill off into the ground. These materials are then recycled into new equipment, which cuts down on the environmental impact of producing items from new materials.

Another problem you can have if you improperly dispose of decommissioned Cisco IP phones is safety. These devices are digital, and they often contain traces of data including call logs, contact lists, and in some cases old voicemails. If these products fall into the hands of the wrong people, they can extract it and use it against your company. In some cases your competitors will even try to get their hands on this equipment so they can leverage the information obtained against you. OceanTech can prevent these issues by completely wiping your Cisco IP phones clean of all traces of data.


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Effective ITAD strategies for Data Centers

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