Home 9 Computer Disposal 9 Secure Disposal Of Network Equipment and Switches

Secure Disposal Network Equipment Switches

Just because computing components become outdated and need to be replaced doesn’t mean that security is no longer an issue. These devices can contain important bits of data, as well as clues about how to access your systems and servers that can be exploited by clever, and nefarious agents looking to do harm to your business. That is why it is vital to hire an R2 certified recycler such as OceanTech in order to ensure that the components you are getting rid of will not come back to haunt you later on.

The first thing that needs to be done when decommissioning switches and network equipment is to remove any access that may still be available to these components. This will prevent old employees from getting into your network using outdated equipment. All information should also be methodically eliminated, using best practices to ensure that there are no lingering traces that can be found by hackers looking to do harm.

OceanTech excels at analyzing network equipment and switches to determine if there are still exploits available that need to be controlled. At the same time they also work to completely deconstruct the system, breaking component materials apart to be recycled into new applications. This eliminates the ability to hack into your company network using old equipment, as it will be destroyed and reconstituted beyond recognition.


Many companies and organizations will store decommissioned equipment in a spare room or closet, rather than getting it properly destroyed and recycled. This can be a major security gap, that can be exploited by anyone who is able to gain access to those spaces. It also ties up important component elements, which can be properly repurposed into new products if disposed of in an efficient manner by a company such as OceanTech.

Another thing to consider when getting rid of decommissioned switches, routers, servers, and networking equipment is the environmental impact that these devices can have on the planet. Even if a clever hacker doesn’t get a hold of these pieces to do direct harm to you, they will still take up space in a landfill, acting as permanent waste that is not biodegradable. Many of these components will also contain harmful toxic chemicals which can infect the ground soil, damaging the earth around them.

This is actually a serious issue, as new electronic and networking devices are released every year, requiring companies to upgrade and dispose of old, unwanted parts. As this happens the amount of computer-based waste that is thrown away annually increases, which in turn can harm the overall environment of the planet. With a quality R2 certified recycling company such as OceanTech, you are able to safely and securely dispose of old network switches and networking equipment, while also ensuring that these devices do not end up in the dump, harming the planet.

Strong Commitment and Confidentiality

Trust the experts

OceanTech – Data Security


We’ll price match any manufacturer’s quote for any IT equipment, paid in cash. We’ll also beat any other R2 certified electronics recycler’s offer by 10% for our white glove services, including on-site pickups, asset recovery, decommissioning, data erasure, and asset tracking.

Contact us now and we’ll be in touch shortly.

Effective ITAD strategies for Data Centers

Effective ITAD strategies for Data Centers

In the ever-evolving landscape of data management, businesses frequently encounter the need to retire their data center hardware. Such scenarios often arise when companies decide to shut down all or part of a data center operation. The process of decommissioning a data center is riddled with logistical intricacies, and among these, planning for the disposition of retired assets stands out as a crucial aspect. The dismantling of data center equipment without a well-thought-out strategy for reuse, remarketing, or secure disposal can lead to a host of problems.

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