Home 9 Uncategorized 9 Used Computer Recycling Minneapolis Minnesota – Company Pays 2-3 Times More
In this era where technology advances rapidly, it’s not unusual for businesses to upgrade equipment long before the useful life has expired.  That’s why used computer recycling with a reputable, full-service company makes good sense for businesses that want to dispose of used IT hardware.Minnesota’s OceanTech is one company that takes used computer recycling to a new level with service, documentation, and pay-outs that far exceed the industry average.Here’s why used computer recycling with OceanTech makes sense:
  1. To start a used computer recycling project, all you really need to know is what type of equipment you have to sell.
  2. With your equipment inventory in hand, contact OceanTech.  They’ll walk you through the process and will provide an offer for every used computer.
  3. If secure data destruction is required, used computers will be transported directly to a secure data destruction facility where each machine is processed and documentation is created based on the equipment serial number.
  4. OceanTech pays fast.  Once fees for data destruction are calculated and services are complete, your company receives payment for the used computers you have recycled.
  5. Once in OceanTech’s possession, used computers are recycled through certified repairs and refurbishment.  If a computer cannot be fixed, it is recycled and disposed of using best industry practices.
  6. Recycled computers are then sold through one of OceanTech’s many online marketplaces, with clean hard drives and no trace of your company’s data.
Used computer recycling makes sense for businesses throughout the country.  Not only does it rid a business of un-needed equipment that can take up a lot of space, but it provides much-needed equipment to businesses that want exactly what your company no longer needs.For more information on responsible used computer recycling, contact the experts at OceanTech.  This Minneapolis company works with more than 1,600 companies, helping them responsibly recycle electronics, ensure secure data destruction, and return value to the bottom line of the business.Call OceanTech at 612 331 4456 to start your used computer recycling effort today.
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