
Now is the time to think about ITAD

Now is the time to think about ITAD

Over the last several months or so, many companies have undertaken large purchases and deployments of equipment to enable employees and students to effectively work from home. As lockdown rules start to be relaxed around the world, an important question arises: what’s going to happen to all the extra equipment that was deployed?

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Data destruction – why it matters

Data destruction – why it matters

The importance of destroying all data would seem to be obvious. Yet according to some studies, as many as 10% of all secondhand hard drives sold over the internet still hold personal information. And it’s not just individuals who fail to destroy all data, it’s businesses as well.

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Finding a Trusted ITAD Partner

Finding a Trusted ITAD Partner

Trust is a hard thing to build no matter your company size, whether you’re a financial advisor, loan issuer, or ITAD service provider; whatever your specialty is, making people trust you is the single most important factor you need to solve in order to grow your business.

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Could ITAD Save Your Company Money

Could ITAD Save Your Company Money

Technology improves at a lightning-fast pace, and upgrading your organization’s IT infrastructure is inevitable, whether due to industry regulations or the desire to work on newer and improved equipment.

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Who is the best ITAD company for you?

Who is the best ITAD company for you?

As the IT industry has grown, so has the number of ITAD Companies. With so many options in can be easy to feel overwhelmed when considering vendors. Most ITAD companies will claim to offer the same level of services.

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Electronics Recycling for Schools

Electronics Recycling for Schools

As if managing IT assets was not challenging enough before, IT managers are now having to support an exponentially increasing number of remote assets. Whereas before they had direct access to your school’s workstations and laptops, now those assets are in people’s homes, but in no less need of service.

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The most used laptop models to work from home

The most used laptop models to work from home

In the wake of COVID 19, most companies have issued directives to work from home. Meanwhile, some of you might feel yourselves in the pressure of deciding which laptop should be purchased for working from home.

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Work from home

Work from home

Whether you are an independent contractor or an IT manager, COVID-19 has created quite a few new IT hardware problems for you to contend with. Thankfully, the most important ones have real and immediate solutions.

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Green Computing Initiatives

Green Computing Initiatives

Green Computing or Green IT refers to environmentally sustainable computing or IT. It is the study, and practice of designing, manufacturing, using and disposing of computers, servers, and associated subsystems such as monitors, servers, CPU storage devices, networking and communication systems – efficiently and effectively, with minimal or no impact on the environment. Green IT also strives to achieve economic viability and improved system performance and use, while abiding by our social and ethical responsibilities.

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How green IT initiatives can benefit your business

How green IT initiatives can benefit your business

In operating your business, is “return on investment” always on your mind when making decisions? One big decision for your company may be whether to implement a green initiative program. When considering the decision to “Go Green,” look to us to help you recover the most value from your retired or off-lease IT assets.

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