Featured Openings

Software Engineer – OceanTech Careers | Job Opening

WipeOS, part of the OceanTech family, was founded to create one simple solution for permanently wiping data from any storage device in a manner that offers complete transparency to users and is certified to most well-known international standards. The unique network...

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Software Engineer – ERP – OceanTech Careers | Job Opening

Are you ready to join a team where you will have a direct role in scaling an already successful software to the next level?  We're seeking an individual who is talented in the space of Enterprise Resource Planning development. We use software called Odoo to handle our...

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Open Apply

Don't see an open role posted which meets your needs?  Please feel free to apply online here under our "Open Apply"! Please indicate what areas of expertise that you have in your cover letter and we'll aim to contact you should a role become open in that area. Apply...

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